Why you need to change up your skincare in winter (and how to do it)

Why you need to change up your skincare in winter (and how to do it)

Winter is coming. Be like the House of Stark and be prepared, or die. Okay, you won’t die, but it’s good to be ready.

Think about it: You switch your shorts for jeans and your tees for puffer jackets, If you change your wardrobe to suit the colder climate, why not your skincare?

Because when it gets colder than a toilet seat in a blizzard, you better believe your skin is affected.

What’s different in winter?

You might refuse to bring a jacket even after Mum told you to, but the weather is causing changes whether you acknowledge them or not. Here they are:

  • The air outside is colder and drier. That’s why you can see your hot, humid breath.

  • You spend more time inside with the heater cranked right up. Unless you’re Bear Grylls.

  • You take showers that are hot enough to scald a lizard and long enough to sing a Michael Bublé album.

  • Chances are you won’t be drinking as much water as the temperature drops. And maybe sipping more wine. 

What’s this mean for my skin?

All of these changes can wreak havoc on your skin, and different climates can affect it quite drastically. We’re talking about dehydration.

Maybe on your tropical summer holiday you were sure your skin type was oily, then you come home and there’s no shine in sight.

These changes can look like flakiness, cracking, tightness, and dull skin. All of these factors increase the chance of irritation and redness. Ever come inside from the cold looking like Rudolf? Yeah, winter sucks.

Shaving is particularly irritating in winter, so use products that soothe. Alternatively, move into a deserted cottage and chop some wood while wearing flannel to go with your newly grown winter lumberjack beard.

What can I do about it?

Never fear, there are plenty of steps you can take to prepare your skin for the dark winter days.

  • Gently buff away dry skin using a face scrub. This removes the top layer of dead skin so you can best accept the hydration your skin’s begging for.

  • Don’t skimp on the SPF. Just because it’s cloudy doesn’t mean the rays won’t come for you.

  • Hot water actually dries out your skin, so wash your face at the sink instead of in your scalding hot shower. Or just turn it down a tad so your face doesn’t melt off.

  • Switch it up to a more hydrating moisturiser for the season. You can always switch back when it’s warmer.

  • Drink lots of water. And tea. And wine. Wait a second.

  • Don’t aggravate your skin when shaving. Be sure to use pre-shave oil and an aftershave lotion to soothe your skin, eliminate razor burn and reduce redness.

You can’t do anything about the dropping temperature, but you can equip your skin for the coming months. Assess your routine and take a look at the Charles + Lee range to cater to your winter skincare needs.


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